Feb 17Liked by Sam Lee

Yes thankful for your vulnerability. I love the part about scars as a necessary part of God plan for you. Our God is in the very business of taking “bad” and turning it for His good purpose. One verse that came to mind for me was Romans 8:37 “no, in all these things, we are more than conquerors, through him who loved us.” I love the “more than conquerors part”. To me it says not only is going He to lead us through the trouble, help us conquer the trouble, but even MORE than just conquering trouble, he is going to weaponize trouble, and turn it back into something that - while the evil one intended in for harm - God will

use for good.

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Yes, I am a conqueror. Thank you for that reminder. Romans 8 just has so much truth that is foundational to our beliefs, but truly does serve as hope for us each day. Love "weaponize trouble" love love love it.

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I realized recently that one of the reasons I idolize comfort so much is that I have had it in extra large portions. Perhaps not materially but certainly emotionally and spiritually because of the enduring canopy of love my parents have provided my whole life. As I "try to make my own way" it is scary to leave that safety net, yet also so good because God wants me to know that He is the true refuge.

I mention this because your experience made me consider how much hurt and suffering (a large part on my account) my parents had to endure in order to become the loving people that they are. From my outside perspective, I can only imagine what your dad endured through the years to become the man so clearly defined by "love God and love others".

I was touched in particular by your honest prayer: "But for once I thank you for this hurt and scar left behind. I will be a better and stronger man and servant because I carry this hurt." If we are blessed with Christ-like parents, perhaps this is one way God passes on his love from one generation to the next and uses all things for the good of those called according to his purpose. Thank you for your insightful vulnerability, as always.

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You are so right. Our parents and mentors endured so much to become the person that we knew and loved. So many stories of my dad and mom's own struggles before me. In so many ways we are own people, but yet our stories link to so many others before and after us.

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